Connect and compete with friends, old and new. Join a League. Start a League. Build new rivalries or challenge your friends through Discord! The Smashers ON App connects you to players on Toptracer Ranges all over the world.
Connect and compete with your friends in real-time anywhere in the world that has a Toptracer Range
Stay up-to-date on all the games, contests and events
The Smashers ON handicapping system guarantees an even playing field for everyone. A variety of Smashers ON events and contests, including flighted, gross, and net events, longest drive, closest to the pin, and other cool games, guarantee that
Anyone Can Be a Champion!
It’s a Level Playing Field for All Skill Levels
Proprietary Smashers ON Handicap System ensures everyone has a chance to win
Little-to-no golf experience needed to participate
Flighted Tournaments with winners in each flight
Net and Gross Score events
Games and Contests at your skill level
Long Drive Contests
Short Game Contests
Golf Made Fair and Fun For Everyone
Collect SmashCash to use in the SmashStore. The more you participate, the more SmashCash you’ll collect. Use your SmashCash to purchase sweet apparel and top-line equipment. Earn SmashCash simply by participating in events.
Collect SmashCash to use in the SmashStoreYou can earn SmashCash a bunch of different ways
Redeem SmashCash for fire merchandise. Pick up Apparel and equipment from Devereaux. Callaway,Bad Birdie, Smashers ON and more